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Leviticus Armstrong

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  1. Leviticus Armstrong


    Leviticus was born in a poor wheat farming village deep in the wilderness of Norland. Several days ride from any other town, village or person for the matter. Working with his hands in the fields and forests from a very young age this caused Leviticus to learn how to forage and survive on his own very quickly as no one had time to look after him. Leviticus lived as normal of a life any boy in his position could live. He woke at dawn and worked till dusk finding little time for social activities besides the bedtime stories his father would tell him. These wild and fantastical stories during dinner and before he would sleep. Those stories would fill him with hope and wonder for the future and he would ponder on them for hours. Specifically Leviticus loved to hear about the old creation stories and tales of the Allfather and the beautiful great flaming tree placed in the center of Morsgrad. As Leviticus grew in age reaching adulthood he grew tired of his simple life never knowing anything more than the people in his small village and the radius of surrounding wilderness hes explored over the years of coming age. Leviticus had a burning passion in him to find something more something bigger than his small village maybe even something bigger than himself to fill the desire of purpose he so desperately longed for. So, as anyone would Leviticus reached his breaking point and in the middle of the night he packed his several belonging in a bag and set off on his first exploration to the Hearth Temple near the great keep of Varhelm. He figured since he was already in Norland why not start there.
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