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  1. CHair


    Algiz was a young halfling born into a fairly rich family she used to live right outside of Oren in the forest nearby. While being a baby she was always curious about other people, how they acted and while she was growing up she practiced the art of manipulation. She often made others do things for her, often managing to avoid the consequences. When she was much younger she fell in love with a guy, that her family wasn't a big fan of. She decided to leave them in pursue of love and escape with her lover. They spend a whole month together before he left her all alone for someone else. She got extremely jealous and angry and decided that she needs no man in her life, or anyone else, that she's to good for them all. She believed that by the sheer strength of her personality and looks she can achieve anything and make anyone do anything for her. She was wrong. After a long wile of searching for a purpose and living under the stars, she gave up and decided to leach off her family once more. With no place to stay and no one that she can trust, she decided to head to Elvenesses where the Halfling Village, Brambleberry is located, to live with her brother for a while.
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