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    Human Male
  1. johnnnhall15


    Addraecyn was born in the north eastern reaches of the land, on a peninsula surrounded by numerous lakes. He has a younger brother, Aeoldyn (16), and a younger sister, Roelyn (13). His parents are of good age, his father Eseliduin is in his mid forties, and his mother Ferouin is in her late forties. Addraecyn grew up on the edge of a forest, in a cozy home, just outside their village Orophin, in the region of Ranan. During school, he received high grades, and he had a good group of friends. However, in his final few years of school, Addraeceyn expressed some of his feelings about his regional government, and his personal opinions about how it should be run. Most of his friends that he trusted, betrayed him. They gossipped about him throughout the village, and he became a target in his community. Addraecyn became confused, angry, and scared for what his reputation would become due to these events. As time went on, in his 18th year of age, several people opened up to him and confessed their beliefs as similar, if not identical to, Addraceyn's beliefs. He then developed a strong bond with these individuals (Drundine, from the northern region of Berenor; Renalden, from the eastern region of Alandar; and Irindi, from the southern reaches of the Woodland Elves region), and they began to embark on small quests in their surrounding areas. When they all finished their school years, they developed the group The Orophin Defense. To this day, these friends protect their village from intrusion, and expands their village into unclaimed land.
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