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  1. Azarant


    Watt Saunn has always wanted to know more about what's surrounding him, especially for help and take care of his family and friends. But a war happend and he was sent in the army. During the war, he tried to help his comrades as much as possible but did not really find his place anywhere. Only one lonely guy named "Sherclock Holmes" accept him as a friend and peer, he helped Sherlclock even when Sherlock was being an *******.They both managed to survive the war they developped good sword skills and they were both able to handle an orc in one versus one. At this time, Watt felt that Sherclock was really different and that he could sacrifice himself for him.They both managed to open a private detective place, where they resolve little, and sometimes bigger crimes that the army cant resolve themselves. Nowadays, they still run this little company, but they secretly dream to take a break, and to travel around this giant world they live in. (This roleplay consists on a 2 players roleplay, with my friend who is "Sherclock Holmes")
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