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  1. Palapourheal


    Sherclock holmes, wasn't a normal kid, he was special, he always had something more than the others. He wanted to be a scientist to develop new important technologies. But a war happened in his little village, causing him to be sent in the army. At this time sherclock only thought about not dying, cause he thought he was too important for the world to die. He didn't have any friends in the army cause of his behaviour. Only one guy was taking care of sherclock, a named " Watt Saunn" even if sherclock was being an ******* Watt Saunn never gave up and was always here for him in every situation. They both managed to survive the war they developed good sword skills and they were both able to handle an orc in one versus one. After this Sherclock saw Watt Saunn as his only friend, the only one that believed in him. They both managed to open a private detective's place, where they resolve little, and sometimes bigger crimes that the army can't resolve themselves. Nowadays, they still run this little company, but they secretly dream to take a break, and to travel around this giant world they live in. (This roleplay consists on a 2 players roleplay, with my friend who is "Watt Saunn")
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