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  1. SlimDaddy


    Izzo is a charming, rugged highlander who lives in a cozy home on the mainland. He inherited the home from his father, as he was their only son. Although, his father and him almost never got along when he was alive. Him and his father lived alone in his childhood on one of the smaller villages in Valhelm. Izzo's mother died during the birth of him, and his father always blamed Izzo, and constantly beat him. His father drank a lot, due to his mother’s death, and the Sultanic War plaguing the norlandic highlanders, which would usually cause these rages. One day, his father got so angry, that he picked Izzo up, and threw him from the terrace balcony, into a crate of hay almost 20 feet down, into the street. He yelled at him to never return. He was on his own after that, and didn't see his father for many years. All he had was the red faith church, who took him in and gave him a place to stay when he had no other. As he aged, he realized the only way out of this town was to join the Northguard, so he awaited that day. When he turned 19, he got a letter stating that his father had passed away, and left his summer home on the mainland to Izzo, as he was the only heir. His father had almost no money to give him though, as he drank away almost all of his paychecks. So, Izzo packed what little things he possessed, and moved to this summer home to start a new life. He dreamed of magic kingdoms and Epiphytes that could teach him Magic, or riding dragons through the high skies while he road the boat from his hometown to the mysterious land the summer home resided on. Little did he know what awaited his future...
  2. SlimDaddy


    Izzo is a charming, rugged highlander who lives in a cozy home on the mainland. He inherited the home from his father, as he was their only son. Although, his father and him almost never got along when he was alive. Him and his father lived alone in his childhood on one of the smaller villages in Valhelm. Izzo's mother died during the birth of him, and his father always blamed Izzo, and constantly beat him. His father drank a lot, due to his mother’s death, and the Sultanic War plaguing the norlandic highlanders, which would usually cause these rages. One day, his father got so angry, that he picked Izzo up, and threw him from the terrace balcony, into a crate of hay almost 20 feet down, into the street. He yelled at him to never return. He was on his own after that, and didn't see his father for many years. All he had was the red faith church, who took him in and gave him a place to stay when he had no other. As he aged, he realized the only way out of this town was to join the Northguard, so he awaited that day. When he turned 19, he got a letter stating that his father had passed away, and left his summer home on the mainland to Izzo, as he was the only heir. His father had almost no money to give him though, as he drank away almost all of his paychecks. So, Izzo packed what little things he possessed, and moved to this summer home to start a new life. He dreamed of magic kingdoms and Epiphytes that could teach him Magic, or riding dragons through the high skies while he road the boat from his hometown to the mysterious land the summer home resided on. Little did he know what awaited his future...
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