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Everything posted by Germanium

  1. Germanium


    My character was born into a middle class home back in his village. He was a simple man, with a small family of 2 brothers and a mother. His family is what you would consider a military family. His father died fighting on enemy lines and his 2 brothers both enlisted before they were 12. Growing up in a small village, he was picked on relentlessly because of his scrawny and stark face. This experience coupled with his military aspirations made him a stronger person. At the tender age of 12 he was enlisted into his villages militia, where he quickly rose in ranks to the "upper class" of his local military force. After 2 years of serving his home town, he was shipped off to join the foreign infantry where unlike his local town, the competition was much more fierce. Unfortunately for Kevlar, ( my character ) his left arm was brutally mangled fighting off enemy troops. After his horrific injury he was put into reserves for his militia, where he eventually got overwhelmed with boredom and settled into a local town 5 years later.
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