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  1. LLogg


    Rowan was orphaned at a young age, he doesn't remember why - and neither do i. Rowan had to adapt to living with himself, his short-cut education led him to never truly learning about his peoples faith, nor his people's skill with nature. His techniques are often seen as 'abstract' and 'clumsy'. His tall stature, skinny physic and black eyes only further relay the image of a dark person to others. Many keep their distance, not wanting to get too close. Due to his exposure to trauma and living alone, Rowan has been battling with mental health for years, often slipping into depression. His inability to connect with nature only furthers this struggle. However, Rowan longs to be an accepted member of society. And wishes to live in a large house in a city. Despite his shadowy presence, Rowan is actually rather charming and comedic, the few that do talk to him, are often pleasantly surprised with the level his intellect.
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