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About impfilth

  • Birthday 05/02/2003

Contact Methods

  • Minecraft Username

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    A Place
  • Interests
    Writing, Roleplay, Fantasy, , DnD, Anime, Game Design

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Aventis Arienteno
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf
  1. impfilth


    Aventis was born on a farm of wealthy farmers. he grew up happy and free-caring, learning how to tend to the crops. and learning under his fathers tutelage how to defend himself with a might shield. as they thought it was the most important tool of all. As he got older he felt lacking with his parents, and like he could do more. he asked to run the wheat farms for a day to prove himself that he could run the farms for the next generation to come. That day coincidentally a pack of wolves made there way into the fields. tearing down all of the hardwork of the parents over the years. Aventis tried to face them like a strong warrior his dad taught him to be. but he didn't believe in himself enough, he ran away. crying in the back shed awaiting his parents return. and on their return they learned of what happend. and thought it would be best with the beatings of a wealthy family you needed to be strong. they disowned him for his weekness. and striped him of everything except his shield and a dagger his mother gave him out of pity. he now travels the streets in search for a way to prove himself, before facing his parents again
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