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  • Character Name
    Randele Damoiraa
  • Character Race
    High Elf

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  1. webbmp29


    Randele was born in Haelun'or as the oldest child in his family his sister being the youngest, Elestia. His family were pure High Elves which this was highly sought for. Randele was the more quiet and reserved one at the time while his sister Elestia was the more confident and outgoing one. She constantly created little adventures for them to go on. Elestia was alos his only friend in his youth. One day though out in another small adventure, Elestia fell off the tree she was climbing and passed away. Because Randele could not save her he was shunned by his parents. His father specifically who he made promise to protect his sister. Randele was ashamed and ran away at the age of 54 (12 years old in human years). Since then he has hardened himself and has been on his own traveling.
  2. webbmp29


    Randele was born in Haelun'or as the oldest child in his family his sister being the youngest, Elestia. His family were pure High Elves which this was highly sought for. Randele was the more quiet and reserved one at the time while his sister Elestia was the more confident and outgoing one. She constantly created little adventures for them to go on. Elestia was alos his only friend in his youth. One day though out in another small adventure, Elestia fell off the tree she was climbing and passed away. Because Randele could not save her he was shunned by his parents. His father specifically who he made promise to protect his sister. Randele was ashamed and ran away at the age of 54 (12 years old in human years). Since then he has hardened himself and has been on his own traveling.
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