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  1. Iska


    I had a very normal life! The only difference is that I had two dads, Hagwin and Sean. They weren't together in a relationship, but they were both father figures to me, so I just called them my dads. They adopted my brother Lierin and I after we got lost in the woods looking for Night Sap. We haven't seen our real parents for a while now, but we're so happy with Hagwin and Sean. In fact every year we would take a trip to the City of Sutica just to see the different cultures. On one of the trips we stopped by a lake to camp for the evening, but Lierin and I decided to jump from the cliff. I was so scared I couldnt even move, but then my brother pushed me in and I fell for what felt like minutes! luckily I only broke my arm but I could have broken much worse.
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