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Everything posted by anbu_shoto

  1. anbu_shoto


    Thomas was born in Talon's Grotto where he lived most of his life as a orphan, he spent his life hunting and fishing for food but as he got older he begin to get into trouble with thieving, many towns guard knew him but they mostly turned a blind eye to hes crimes and gave him minor punishment's, that true until he was approached by some locale thugs they called their petty group of thieves the "eagle" they told Thomas of a shipment of rare exotic goods from across the sea was arriving and they'll pay him well for stealing what ever he can find, so he agreed the next day as the ship arrived he watched as a rich noble man leaves the ship, surprised but greed overcame all, he waited for nightfall and studied the ship well eventually he stunk aboard their he was discovered and brought to the nobleman dragged though the city, but the noble man instead of giving him to the guards offered a deal, work for him apart of his personal guard or rot in jail, of course he accepted, he would later learn the noble only found a liking to him because he resembled his son, who pasted of a deadly plague, unlike many the other soldiers he was allowed to live in the manor of the nobleman, he lived his life treated **** a son and he grew close to the man even noting he was a father to him, but he was made to learn how to be smart and a fighter, because eventually he would have to fight and that he did, he fought for years losing his eye as a memory, but it came to a holt when he met a Kashgar shaman who was traveling, he became interested in the man and learned so much from him and on his final leave he was excited to tell his father of man but when he arrived home he came home to a to witness his new family and home was destroyed he rushed inside to find his father dead he was told what happen, that many of the men organized a coup d'état and this was the result, and he later buried his father and left for good maybe later to return to rebuild.
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