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  1. Gapz


    Reese 'Montgomery' (real surname unknown), was born to a young couple residing in Kaedrin, children of conservative farmers who neither wanted nor could afford him. He was given to a Canonist abbey shortly after his birth, where he was taught proper etiquette, learned to read and write, and took a keen interest in the sciences. Reese was unhappy, however, as he never felt truly loved, only seeing himself as a burden to the aging nuns. He ran away from the abbey at age 10, going to fare the streets of Helena for himself, where he met his adoptive brother. Together they hustled gamblers, merchants, and became professional pickpockets, yet never making enough to purchase a home. One day, while panhandling on a busy corner, a wealthy man clad in fur walked beside Reese, laughing at him as he threw some measly change at the ground before his feet. As Reese scrambled to pick up the coins, the man bellowed to him about him being "curbside riffraff". Reese proceeded to mercilessly beat the man, before the attention of the guards was called, at which point he fled with whatever money he had on his person and jumped on the first vessel that he could find a suitable hiding space on. He wrote to his brother in hopes of meeting him wherever the vessel landed - surely it would be a better life than the one he currently led.
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