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  1. MrMalumx


    When they were young, their village was raided and they were kidnapped because children are considered sacred to elves because of their curse. They were raised by a toxic, manipulating human woman who didn't care for them at all really. This woman used touch as a way to gain false trust, such as holding hands or touching the shoulder. They were never allowed outside their room, and was told it was for their own safety. When it was really because they were a prisoner. When they reached the age of 15, they had started to realize this was less than a home. much less, and they made attempts to escape, which lead to them being hurt. This showed them that their 'guardian' was never really their friend. eventually at age 17 they managed to escape with an almost broken wooden sword. They ran and ran until their legs burned and they collapsed in a cave, using a torch for light and warmth. They rested their until daybreak, continuing to search for their own kind. eventually, they became a hermit out of worry of being found by their false mother. so they made their own home and hid away from people.
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