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Everything posted by EliTheTroll

  1. EliTheTroll


    Stuart was born in small village called Hillcrest in a cabin near the woods. The day was like any other, Father went into town to work, and Tybalt watched over his pregnant mother. Stuarts mother Meredith had then went into labor. A couple long hours later Tybalt contracted little Stuart from Meredith. The next couple Days Tybalt and Meredith looked after Stuart. Until Meredith became ill and eventually passed only 3 weeks after the birth of Stuart. Their father Bernard then became distraught by the loss of his wife and left Tybalt (age 12) to look after baby Stuart. Some years go by. Stuart (age 13) traveled to the local blacksmith in Hilcrest to play with the other school boys. The boys then proceeded to take stuarts left hand and burn it with a hot piece of metal. He ran home crying, Tybalt gave him a glove for his hand so nobody would make fun of him for how his hand looked. and his hand scarred over. When Stuart turned 18 he left Hillcrest in search of a new beginning, after hearing about what happened in Arcas, He decided that Almaris would be a great place to start over.
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