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Everything posted by KKreidd

  1. KKreidd


    I was born in Ontario, Canada on August 17, 1998. I lived with my younger sister Alexia, my younger brother Preston, and mother Liz. My father went missing when I was 5. My mother says he went across the county to get some supplies and got lost on his way home. I think he left us. My younger siblings never met him. A few years later I was offered to go on a trip with some scouts. I took up the offer and went on my way. I was a little nervous since we would be going across the ocean, but I was confident I'd be fine. One day as the scouts and I were about to go meet a dwarf for the first time, some girl took me aside. She said we would be taking a shortcut. I trusted her since she was a counselor. She took my on a boat into the ocean, and once we were in the middle of nowhere she punched me in the face. I was out cold for at least 10 minutes. When I woke up she was gone and I had no way to get back to shore. After a few days of listening to music and praying for the best I made it to shore. I had no clue where I was, but I was greeted with a warm welcome. Some older woman named Rosie took me in. She was a snow elf. Ever since then she is the only family I've known. I have tried to find my biological family, but never succeeded. Now I just work in the village and listen to music in my room.
  2. KKreidd


    I was born in Ontario, Canada on August 17, 1998. I lived with my younger sister Alexia, my younger brother Preston, and mother Liz. My father went missing when I was 5. My mother says he went across the county to get some supplies and got lost on his way home. I think he left us. My younger siblings never met him. A few years later I was offered to go on a trip with some scouts. I took up the offer and went on my way. I was a little nervous since we would be going across the ocean, but I was confident I'd be fine. One day as the scouts and I were about to go meet a dwarf for the first time, some girl took me aside. She said we would be taking a shortcut. I trusted her since she was a counselor. She took my on a boat into the ocean, and once we were in the middle of nowhere she punched me in the face. I was out cold for at least 10 minutes. When I woke up she was gone and I had no way to get back to shore. After a few days of listening to music and praying for the best I made it to shore. I had no clue where I was, but I was greeted with a warm welcome. Some older woman named Rosie took me in. She was a snow elf. Ever since then she is the only family I've known. I have tried to find my biological family, but never succeeded. Now I just work in the village and listen to music in my room.
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