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Everything posted by Luness

  1. Luness


    Silithie was born during the winter as a twin, her sister Silba was older by 3 hours. Silithie and Silba were raised by parents who worked at the Eternal College passing on their knowledge of various aspects of life and magic. When Silithie and Silba were just over the age of nine they were on an expedition with their parents, who were exploring a specific area of forests and left the girls unattended with the instructions to stay at camp. As curious young elves the two girls didn't listen and ended up trespassing onto a Ker Wolf den and distrubing the pups, causing Silba to push her sister to run for help from their parents. By the time Silithie returned with her parents her sister was torn to shreds by the mother wolf protecting her pups. Silithie's father killed the mother wolf as retaliation and her parents studied the wolves before leaving and returning to the heart of The Silver City. Silthie changed after her sister died, she was more reserved and withdrawn and would remain that way for most of her life. She threw herself into her studies even at a young age and would cope by reading until she no longer could. Silithie started attending the Eternal College as soon as she was old enough but even before then she was constantly begging her parents to teach her more and more about different topics. Silthie still attends the college, constantly taking notes and trying to gain as much knowledge as she can. She has countless notes she's taken either from her classes or own experiments.
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