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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Vi'eva Rigsohl
  • Character Race
  1. Vi'eva


    Born into a small, dirty, and poor home, Vi'eva didn't start out with good luck. No friends, siblings, and hardly an upbringing at all. Never knowing his mother, and his father only telling brief stories of her coming to drop off essentials like food and cloth for patching their clothes. Vi'eva has always assumed they were all stories and that she's been dead since before he could speak. His father was a merchant, albeit a rather biased one, and absent from home. He was known for giving food, clothes, and even money to the poor and downtrodden in Norland; he was also known for hiking prices or outright refusing service to the nobles and higher classes. This ultimately lead to his death, which Vi'eva watched. The rich snobs just snickered, taunting the 14 year old Vi'eva, leaving him in the rain. When he attempted to chase after them, one of them turned around, stamped the bottom of his foot on Vi'eva's forehead and pushed him to the ground. He found himself an empty shack just outside a village full of tools and materials. For years he would venture out, chop trees, gather herbs, and hunt game. At around 22, he started trying to find the people that killed his father, but couldn't; so, every night he would return to his small shack, now filled with decorations and books, and drink Ashwood Syrup until passing out. When looking for his father's killers, he tried to breaking into the wealthy homes to take anything he can to redistribute to others that may be lost, abandoned, or just down on their luck.
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