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Everything posted by Gomathrak

  1. Gomathrak


    Gomathrak is an Uruk born in Krugmar. Before getting 12/13 years old he was mostly alone and get along with his tutor : Kra'thake, his past is fill with loneliness and frustration. That is why he likes to get around someone and to follow the group. He has a strong sense of loyalty. This can be explained by his unability as a young orc to stick around others young orc. Working for small favour was what made him. He always kept trying to find a way to prove his legitimacy within the community. He spent most of his time cutting down forests. He is not a warrior at heart but he has the intelligence of an Uruk and therefore learns quickly for an orc. He has absolute no sense of ambition in any way. Gomathrak is a follower. He is a courageous orc in combat, he always seeks to match the leader vision and would never dare to refuse an order. Nonetheless he is very scared of big spider, big crabs and others big creatures, which means that he can be very anxious about certain situation. Fighting is important for Gomathrak, as he see it as a way to prove himself and to defend the vision of the community. He has no empathy for other races and will not hesitate to act forcefully if asked to do so by one of his superiors. However, he has no reason to attack on sight, since his ideals are not his own. As I have said, he has a slave mind in the sense that he would never make a decision without the agreement of a more powerful orc.
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