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Posts posted by Tremerus

  1. Sir Theoderic von Theonus let out a heavy sigh when word of the little queen's death reached him. His gauntleted hand banged against a nearby wall. Like many others he wished he could have been there, and like many others he thought things would have been different if he were. "Her life was quite the tale, I just wish it didn't end so soon. She deserved peace after a chaotic life, I hope she finds it in the Skies."


    Aurel von Theonus, on the other hand, was there in the palace, he fought his way to her alongside other legionaries, knights and allies while sneaking glances at the duel. He watched in despair as his friend, fellow housemagic student, and leader fell to the ground. He decided to leave her final moments for her family and went to where their first magic lessons were and reflected on the past. 

  2. AD_4nXfCKUqCLW2PeAq01b6eTzEXoNnWbbkVa_XlO5tKxSwirUWM-87cAbsfrUidNb8a17rA9f43eOMQfY7xa6CmRT-0KBg4D3Un1hvq1484jRlvHQ4P_ejmlD5g-Ix2KX2qo3LY7EOIvg4bZx0nx1rCGMwlJzDL?key=_ndOjv2UwwS-qswi229cnA

    Issued by
    The Margrave of Marignan
    in the year of our Lord 1974.




    The completion of the expansion of Vissingren Castle. This marks another milestone in our family’s legacy. 


    It is from this keep the Covenant of Man launched its attack against Stassion during the Aevos Coalition War. The keep was host to a play which served as a rehearsal of the Viscounts of Reinhold’s civil union. It is from these walls that three of the Founding Four of the reformed Petrine Laurel sprung into action to save a young Queen Catherine I from the clutches of Deadmund, an undead commander  and his cultists. 


    Within these walls my family has continued to grow and thrive as vital members of the Commonwealth. It is because of this growth that we decided to petition for an expansion of our walls and words cannot express our appreciation of the queen for her approval.


    Construction has been completed in recent months, with features such as a heritage hall showcasing accomplishments of members of my family, and the partisans that fight alongside us. A chapel, to be consecrated in the coming months, with a crypt below ensuring we never forget those we lost along the way. 


    Heartlander Confederation  Nobility:
    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, Queen of the Petra, and her esteemed pedigree
    His Apostolic Majesty, John Alexander, Apostolic King of Aaun, and his esteemed pedigree
    His Highness, Johannes von Alstriem, The Prince of Merryweather
    His Grace, Siegmund von Reuss, The Margrave of Velen
    Her Grace, Olympe-Regina Dieuxmont de Rosius, The Marchioness of Haute-Epine
    The Right Honorable, Krzysztof Jazlowiecki, The Count of Warsovia
    The Right Honorable, Léon Henri, The Count of Talentine
    The Honorable, Friedrich von Augusten, Viscount of Azor
    The Honorable, Wilford Reinhold, Viscount of Stormont
    The Honorable, Atticus Reinhold, Viscount of Stormont
    His Lordship, Aimo of Astor, Baron of Fir’steinn
    His Lordship, Grzmichuk Jazlowiecki, The Baron of Triglav
    His Lordship, Henri de Lewes, The Baron of Virdain
    His Lordship, Emilio Varoche, The Baron of Napoliza
    Her Ladyship, Katrin Eryka Stafyr, The Baroness of Feldkirch


    Other Invitations:
    His Royal Highness Alfred, Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, and his esteemed pedigree
    His Royal Highness Leon, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, and his esteemed pedigree 

    The Lord Vandalore of the Waldenic Diet
    The Honourable Electors of the Waldenic Diet

    Matthias Galken and his family.
    Delphine Auclaire


    Any and all Heartlander Confederation citizens

    Any Partisan of the garrison of Vissingren.



    OOC: Aiming to start at 8 P.M EST on Friday, April 26. 

    If I messed your title up or anything I apologize in advance. Lemme know and I'll fix it. 



    HIS GRACE, Aurel von Theonus, Margrave of Marignan, Count of Sigiswald, Viscount of Karlstadt,

    Baron of Raustyn, Lord of Vissingren Castle, Patriarch of Theonus.


  3. Fi1kGAHLMXaWgZwtc7_fhD7h1lzA7vJ2i7QAIBPjP_vYboodt1zlhjx_OpGTEcXMumOo8BcvNGeJRPzffP3vWYyetXVFDWsHMS_UwmUse1PFl0EGmaea8bjqh-dUEVieJJrGtYNxa7zJEPihWbo9vuc


    Issued and averred by





    Per the decisions made at a meeting of the Petrine Laurel, the Order has seen fit to elevate four Petrans to the Chapter of Brooks in recognition of their outstanding efforts within the Petran Commonwealth. 


    Henceforth elevated as members of the Chapter of Brooks, afforded with the honour and privileges afforded per the Edict of Rising Tides are:




    Dame Thérèse von Theonus


    Elevated to the Chapter of Brooks in recognition of her lifetime of service within the Petran government. First serving as Commissaire then Vice-Chancellor, and later Chancellor of the Petran Commonwealth during the reigns of both Queen Renilde I and Queen Catherine I. Under her leadership, the Petran Commonwealth was seen through the aftermath of the War of the Covenant, saw the overhaul of stewardry, a registry of Petran nobility, and many years of leal service. Among living Petrans, there are few who have dedicated as much of their life in service to the governance of the realm as Dame Thérèse. 


    Sir Barnabas Grein


    Elevated to the Chapter of Brooks in recognition of his efforts to found and govern the district of Moleton within Vallagne. Amidst the ongoing shortages of housing within Vallagne, Sir Barnabas was central to the creation of this district which to this day houses many Petrans in an open and welcoming environment. For this, he is recognized as having contributed greatly to the administration and culture of Petra.


    Sir Cypress Brylynn


    The posthumous elevation of Sir Cypress is made in recognition of a lifetime of service to the River Guard during the long reign of Queen Renilde I. Within his lifetime, the Reformation of the Petrine Laurel was only in its infancy, and he was not afforded the opportunities seen today within the Petran Commonwealth. Thus, the Order of the Petrine Laurel seeks to rectify this, and recognize the large contributions he made within his lifetime as an officer of the River Guard. 


    Sir Pelym Vagil-Rivers


    Akin to Sir Cypress Brylynn, Sir Pelym spent his lifetime in service to the Petran Commonwealth through his enlistment within the River Guard. Amongst its ranks, he was a prominent and well-known member, often remembered too for his foray into Petran politics within his lifetime. He too served during the reign of Queen Renilde I, and deserves recognition for the over two decades of unfaltering service he gave to the realm. Although controversial in his actions and behaviour, at heart Sir Pelym was a true patriot, and embodied the dogged resolve which marks the Petran spirit. 





    HIS EXCELLENCY, Theoderic von Theonus, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel



  4. TjcH8Kin3yKohGGr4ONrOKdXGJPrzcasVR_aFKvPfkyxnk6fZnqhQlUsj1zkfJ9HmY-PbGXS7tzHnkHsIq4CtzVtrIDcNIiU2c9nUM1mpuPKpQC84eoBAUPQTDqwEETJXbZEfiDo88OmdG3vNgDXk_s

    Issued by
    The Margrave of Marignan
    in the year of our Lord 1973.


    [!] This missive is sent only to the Lord-Marshal of the Heartlander Confederation, and those who he shares it with, as well as members of the Theonus family.


    To the Lord-Marshal of the Heartlander Confederation, 
    His Excellency, Wilhelm von Wittenbach,


    Ill Tidings have reached the Margravate of Marignan.


    In recent days, the lands of my house suffered an attack by a band of trolls which have taken residence within the nearby Mount Catrinne. Through a search conducted by myself and a patrol of partisans, we had previously found the lair of these trolls, and begun preparations to clear this cave with the aid of the Petrine Laurel. Though recent events had drawn the attention of our forces elsewhere.


    Battering their way through the front gates of Vissingren, three of the trolls number met their end within the castle by the forces of our house, and aid from two squires of the Petrine Laurel, Princess Rowenna Temesch of the Petra and Aleksander von Theonus. Minimal damage was sustained in terms of manpower, with one partisan wounded, and our gate destroyed, though it is soon to be mended by the smiths of the Vissingren Foundry.


    We surmise that the trolls came from this aforementioned den, and hereby request the aid of the newfound Legion of Saint Godwin in the matter. As well, more troubling news was found amongst the garb of a deceased partisan, indicating trouble further afield which we now face at present.


    Upon the cloak of this slain partisan, a guard of our caravans which travel the roads of the realm, we found a report which spoke of rising trouble to the north. This report spoke of a threat which at present threatens trade between the Heartlander Confederation and the Principality of Reinmar. Its source is located somewhere east of Kretzen. 


    In sum, we ask yourself, and the Legion of Saint Godwin’s aid in both settling the matter of the trolls which at current plague the hills of Mount Catrinne, and understanding and quashing the newfound threat which has emerged to the west of this Confederation.

    OOC: This post relates to an ongoing player event line that is being run by Destructokeith, and is meant to be an invitation to the Legion of Saint Godwin to participate in it!


    HIS GRACE, Aurel von Theonus, Margrave of Marignan, Count of Sigiswald, Viscount of Karlstadt,

    Baron of Raustyn, Lord of Vissingren Castle, Patriarch of Theonus.


  5. Theoderic von Theonus found his wife somewhere in the family's keep. He could tell from her expression that something was wrong, and embraced her in a hug.  "What happened? What's wrong?" he queried, and took the note from her hands. Quickly skimming through to see what it was that upset her like this. "Waclaw, oh..oh no.." he muttered after he finished reading, then found himself lost in thought. "I hope you find the peace in the seven skies you were never able to have here. If anyone deserved it, it'd be you." 

  6. Aurel von Theonus heard the news shortly after returning home from his not-so-good attempt at overseeing the latest garmont assembly. He frowned, and made his way to the training area on Vissingren's walls. "He taught me how to use a sword here. An experience I will cherish forever, and a skill I wish I didn't need. Rest well, Marcel. You were a wonderful Master-at-Arms." 

  7. Sir Theoderic von Theonus picked up a copy of the missive and scanned through it "What a nice lesson on how things used to be." he mused to himself while folding the document and stashing it away. His gaze returned to dancing embers from the fireplace in Vallagne's square. 

  8. Sir Theoderic von Theonus grinned once he saw the report was released. He'd finally get an opportunity to use what he learned as a member of the Northern Thunder Artillery brigade. "Prepare the cannons! Make sure we set aside enough ammo!" He shouted to ... no one in particular. He'd then ride off to scout for a proper firing position. 

  9. Theoderic von Theonus found the missive while walking around the Vallagne square. He paused to read it, flashing a smile when reaching the end. To say he was proud of all the things his wife had accomplished since they moved to the Commonwealth would be an understatement. He'd put the paper down, then run off to go get a note of his own.


    Added to the bottom of his wife's retirement paper was a retirement announcement of his own:


    I, the treasurer of the commonwealth am also retiring. Good luck Dame Wren.

  10. A knight of the Petrine Laurel charged into the throne room with a (wooden) sword equipped, ready to test how many children the man could fight - but no one was there. Theoderic walked to the throne and surrounding area and inspected it, looking for any clues as to where the children had gone. Though all he found were crumbs. "We will root out the usurpers and put an end to this kingdom once and for all." he muttered to himself.

  11. Theoderic took his letter when his turn came and went into the entryway to the mines guarded by his family's keep. He sighed, and began reading. Once he finished, his eyes returned to one word; son and lingered there for some time. He stared at that word until the sound of a tear, or two hitting the page shook him from the trance he found himself in. Once he collected himself, he walked out to Vissingren's courtyard where he saw Artel making his way to the gate and joined him - nodding toward the man who had become his brother. No words needed to be shared in that moment, both knew they had a job to do, and were determined to see it completed. 


    Aurel von Theonus took his letter last and held it close to his chest as he walked up the many stairs to the family's keep. He stepped toward the big chair in the hall when a thought struck him and stopped in his tracks. He decided to leave that chair empty. Deciding that in this moment it wasn't his, that it would be better to leave that seat empty out of respect for his great-grandfather - who would probably hate the gesture - and moved toward the small chair next to it. When he took his seat he read the letter once ... twice ... and a third time, trying to take in the simple advice as best he could. He then looked to his left through a window overlooking the courtyard where he saw his uncles meet. The young margrave decided to leave them to their task and instead walked farther into the keep, stopping at the various paintings depicting his great-grandparents. Then made his way to the top of the Rose Tower where he laid down amidst the garden planted and cared for by Annette and Karl and looked to the stars. "Like this garden, you both grew our family into quite the sight to behold. I hope I'm able to continue what you started." 

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             The River Knight


    Character's Age:

             just created


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Water Atronach


    Transformed form:

            Water Atronach


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Elizabeth Brae


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Atronachs are constructs of a voidal nature and are created by experienced mages who take their knowledge of transfiguration and the element(s) to create a sentient construct. The creator can be alone in the creation process or work with another mage to create a construct of an element the creator isn’t proficient in so long as they maintain a voidal connection. 


    The construct requires a core to function which is made up of a mana gem encased in arcanum, then gets enchanted to grant the construct sentience. The core is then assigned an element from which the construct gains its abilities. In my case, this element is water. 


    Atronachs are powered by mana, and must be recharged from time to time. They’ll do so at a mana pillar that they’re linked to or refuel manually by a mage if they have enough mana and know how atronach cores work. 


    This atronach is humanoid in appearance, taking on the shape of a knight in blue armor with orange glowing eyes and is made mostly from daemonsteel to protect vital areas of the construct. And as a liquid atronach, if the plating takes too much damage water will start to ‘bleed’ from the construct; ultimately reducing the construct to a puddle with enough damage. 


    Atronachs obey their creator, but will learn, think and apply their knowledge to whatever scenarios they encounter. Constructs do not possess emotion but are eager to understand them through others if given the chance and will attempt to replicate them to the best of their ability. Atronachs are able to learn quickly and can master whatever they learn as long as it doesn’t contradict their element.


    Atronachs are weaker than golems and only require a few hits to destroy if hit in the right location - and can lose in single combat if faced with an experienced opponent. Atronachs are also weak to the element that counters them, and in my case that’s extreme heat, causing water to evaporate. Or frost causing my construct to slow down and possibly freeze. Regardless of the method, three solid hits to the construct’s core will defeat a water atronach.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Visually, this atronach is modeled after a knight from Petra and is encased in blue armor and has orange glowy eyes. It’s constructed mostly from daemonsteel. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Theoderic von Theonus


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Animii crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  14. Aurel von Theonus heard the all too familiar war cry as he helped the queen usher Vallagne's citizenry and guests through the commonwealth's tunnel network. The lad lagged behind the group, his uncle's sacrifice weighed heavily on his mind. "Rest easy, my mad uncle, your story will be told for many generations. May you find peace in the seven skies."







    Issued by

    The Margrave of Marignan

    in the year of our Lord 1957.







    This keep is HAUNTED. In the months since taking over as the head of the Theonus family I have noticed signs and experienced occurrences that I find myself compelled to address with the utmost urgency.


    Instances of mysterious sounds, inexplicable movements and handprints smeared onto paintings, and footprints tracked on the floors within Vissingren have not escaped my notice. 


    I hope there is a logical explanation, and am taking steps to seek the advice of knowledgeable individuals for guidance. However, the more I explore the keep, the more it becomes apparent that we are dealing with forces beyond the physical realm. 


    Keeping that suspicion in mind, it is my belief that spirits of past family members are making their disapproval of my ascent known. That they issue some sort of challenge of my taking over as the head of our esteemed family.


    Speaking of which, when’s the last time anyone checked in on Ser Karl, or Annette? Anyway… 


    I do not make these claims lightly and I understand the implications of these conclusions. Our family has weathered countless storms, and our resolve has always prevailed. Nevertheless, as your new head, it is my duty to ensure the safety and well-being of each member of our household, and any guests we may host. 


    I invite any member of our family, friends, and the Commonwealth to join me in rooting out the cause of this activity. Together we are unwavering under the sun, and we shall face this challenge head-on. 





    Aiming for an event the weekend of Jan 5-7. Exact date will be announced as far in advance as possible. This will be a capped event. Reach out to me via discord trevor19 or send a note to Aurel if you'd like to participate. 




    HIS GRACE, Aurel von Theonus, Margrave of Marignan, Lord of Vissingren Castle, Patriarch of Theonus.



  16. Sir Theoderic von Theonus listened intently as the ballad carried through the square of Vallegne. He'd close his eyes and reflect on battles past. "The duo worked hard to put this together and it came out wonderfully. May it serve as a reminder of a challenge we simply cannot repeat." 


    After some time, the resourceful knight said a quick prayer for fallen comrades and opened his eyes. He returned his focus to preparing for future battles. 

  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aurel von Theonus


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             House magic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Artel von Theonus


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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