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Posts posted by Tremerus

  1. The Petran Treasurer sat in his office when the marching orders were distributed throughout the capital. He read through them, nodding as his role as a member of a trebuchet team was mentioned. He'd finish reading and replaced the orders he held with the ledger keeping track of the tax status of the commonwealth's citizens and vassals. "Hmm. There's an unpaid debt from their time with the commonwealth. It's about time we collect." And with that, Theoderic von Theonus began gathering supplies for trebuchet ammunition.

  2. Sir Theoderic von Theonus read through the poem while smiling from ear to ear. He would show off his squire's work to anyone he could find in the streets of Vallagne.  "This will be the first of many such poems! Just you wait and see." After some time he'd fold the paper and put it away. 

  3. Aurel von Theonus read the posters that were posted throughout the city. He'd hurriedly scribble his name on the registration list. "A game? I can't wait to win! I wonder who else is going to join..." The 10 year old muttered while looking to see if any other children of the Petra had joined.



    MC name: Tremerus

    Wrestling name: The Eagle

    Discord: trevor19
    Can you do a cartwheel? yes


  4. Theoderic von Theonus read the missive aloud in front of the fireplace in his home and surrounded by his family who were all in one place again. 


    "She's a good leader, and treated us more than fairly after we moved here."


    He'd set the paper down and return his focus on his children, they were likely plotting some sort of prank against him and he'd decide he must strike first. 

  5. Theoderic von Theonus stopped to read it after many frantic moments pacing the Petran tax office and muttering about collecting taxes. He came to a sudden stop after a realization. "Someone's finally done it. The curse is broken!"



    Issued and averred by His Excellency, THEODERIC von THEONUS, in the year of our Lord 1944





    The Treasurer (right) & The Grand Steward (left)  
    reviewing government ledgers, 1944


    The Office of The Treasury is responsible for the kingdom’s economic health, finance, revenue, taxation policy and general administrative management of property. Those in this office have a duty to ensure that the money ever flows like a river throughout this great Commonwealth.
    In order to ensure an efficient and well-run Treasury the following Offices are hereby established:

    DEPUTY TREASURER, held by Konstantin von Theonus @Deets

    The Grand Treasurer will require an assistant in managing the mountain of administrative tasks that come up on a day to day basis. This is to ensure a more efficient, seamless, well-run office. The Treasurer’s duty to this Kingdom shall be shared with his or her Deputy in regards to administrative and organizational tasks.
    The Deputy Treasurer duties are summarized as followed:

    • The administrative & organizational work of the Treasurer’s office
    • Ensuring all ledgers of the Kingdom are up to date and or improved upon as needed
    • Communicating effectively with other Offices that work in tandem with The Treasury.

    CHÂTELAIN OF LABOR, held by Sigismund  von Theonus @Petsch2k

    The Châtelain of Labor is one of our most crucial departments, they are the backbone of this kingdom as it’s charged with ensuring our vaults are stocked with countless necessities that keep this kingdom running. They are responsible to meet the demands of the Government with ample supply and promote a steady stream of employment for our citizens to ensure the Treasury never fails the Commonwealth in times of need.
    The Châtelain of Labor duties are summarized as followed:

    • The allocation of resources to several Offices & Our Military
    • The facilitation of labor to gather resources to supply the various ventures of the House of Petra
    • The upkeep of the Treasury Vaults.


    From time to time there are jobs that will be announced whenever The Commonwealth requires labor. The laborers are hired for specific projects and take their orders from the Châtelain of Labor, who also determines the pay for the work provided. Tasks can range from but are not limited to building, gathering resources or mining, and will be announced by Regismont leadership as projects arise. 


     HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Renilde I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty

     HIS EXCELLENCY, Theoderic von Theonus, The Grand Treasurer of Petra, 




  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Automatons are created through advanced alchemical means by people known as automaton crafters. They're made with non-organic materials and contain a soul on creation. Automatons require lifeblood to power their bodies and modules, of which there are five – Intelligence, visual, voice, audio and obedience. These constructs are humanoid in appearance.


    Creating the skeleton is the first step in the process to building an automaton. Once complete, the crafter would fill in the internals consisting of various clockwork and tubing – most important is the gear heart. If the gear heart is destroyed, the automaton would shut down as the lifeblood wouldn’t be able to circulate to the various modules powering the creation. Additionally, if too much lifeblood is lost, the automaton would need to be recovered and repaired by its creator or someone with the appropriate level of knowledge. 


    Appearance wise, automatons are generally humanoid, but can be modified for looks or functionality sake. A tradeoff has to be made if the automaton is built larger than the typical human, however and would lose speed in order to gain strength due to the need for a stronger skeleton. Their size would affect their processing speed as well, limiting how fast the robot could process and react to events happening around them. 


    Automatons have increased stamina than their descendant counterparts, but have a flaw in that after an extended period of use their internals would seize up after long periods of exertion. This can be seen in more extreme cases with overclocking, where the automaton could access more strength and speed for a very short period of time before operating at reduced strength or just outright shutting down. Other flaws include the lack of a self-sealing function, where if punctured, the lifeblood would continue to flow from the ‘wound’ until some sort of patch was applied.


    Potential players should note that aside from whatever basic communication ability and basic skills the creator implements in the automation, it would have to go through the process to learn more complicated concepts. Players should also keep in mind whatever directive the automaton’s creator instilled in their creation, and play in a way that’s in line with the directive.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    This particular automaton would take on a human features and height, and would look as though a human was wearing a blue and gold suit of armor. The automaton's head would appear as though it was wearing a helmet of sorts and would have glowing blue eyes. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Theoderic von Theonus


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. A younger Waldenian is saddened to hear the news of his close friend's passing. The first of the group, and he'd pray it'd be the last for quite some time. He'd set out to find his betrothed in the hopes of comforting her through such a difficult time. During his journey he'd swear to do a better job of protecting those close to him and to help shoulder whatever burdens may face them.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Deets said:

    Karl beams as he read the missive aloud to his cousin, Theoderic von Theonus. "Gott does watch down on us." He said a quick prayer after having finished reading, his resolve strengthened for the coming days. Donning his armor once more he walked into the square of Neu Brandthof. A hand resting firmly upon the hilt of his blade, ready for whatever came next.


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    Theoderic nods along as his cousin reads the missive. "That He does, cousin." He picks up his armor and sword and follows behind Karl while making an attempt to calm his nerves. 

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