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Everything posted by DontPanic21

  1. DontPanic21


    Div'len (div-, empty; -len, song) was born in 1735 in Arcas. Since very young he was interested in the arts, and was very passionate about them. After meeting a young high elf named Ayla (good) and becoming her friend, he developed feelings for her. These feelings became what a young child would define as love. Her being a high elf, was out of reach to him. This realization, in addition to her going back to the Silver State, became his first heartbreak. This caused him to write even more poems and sing even more songs about her and his pain. Years later, his family humiliated him because of his passion for the arts. They wanted him to be involved in politics and economics, and when he refused, they called him weak. They tried to "cure" his weakness through many punishments; but his spirit was strong and didn't break. He was then banished and rejected by his family. Ever since, he has wandered without a destination, singing his songs while loathing himself.
  2. DontPanic21


    He was born in the Kingdom of Norland as the son of two highlanders. He is an only child. His father Askael and his mother Rosazula were farmers, and they were very good at it, so naturally, this skill was inherited by him. For a great part of his childhood and adolescence he worked on the fields, which made him gain a lot of experience in it, although this dedication to the craft would ultimately lead to his hatred of it. His best friend, Gallahan, was very adventurous. He took him to trips into the deep forests and to dark caves. On one of those trips he developed his fear for drowning, after getting stuck under a treebranch while trying to cross a river. This friendship was one of the sparks that lead to him looking for adventure later in life. His father went to battle in the Suthican war when he was little and died in it. This made him lack the thrill for battle, but he does not hate it either. One day, he woke up, but did not want to move, because he realized there was not any real reason for his existence. He hated how his life had been, boring and plain. Taking inspiration of his best friend, he went to look for something, anything to put everything in its right place.
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