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About Beellzebbubb

  • Birthday 08/12/2002

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Llumn'elibar 'Syrinix' Naeyarus,
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf
  1. Beellzebbubb


    Llumn'elibar 'Syrinix' Naeyarus, I was born in Sutica into a family of mercenaries. My family is one of the rare families with lot's of mixed heritage . I Llumn'elibar 'Syrinix' Naeyarus look more like a Dark Elf, that is why I am treated like a Dark Elf and not like my mother like a High Elf. My mother was kidnapped at a young age from her High Elf family by a Wood Elf pair who just lost their child. She doesn't remember what her real family was like. My father came out a family with mixed heritage, his mother was a Wood Elf and his father was a Dark Elf. When my parents got me it was for my parents quite a hectical time. Mercenaries are almost always needed, so taking care of your family isn't always handy. Iwas born on a winternight, and never got a sibling. I traveled with my family from town to town, and learned how I needed to fight and why my family was what it was. I had a grandfather on my fathers side, and a aunt on my mothers side of the family. sometimes when it was a really warm summer or a painfully cold winter, the family settled for a while, usually they would be the librerians and that's how I got my love for books. Because we traveled so much, I had never time for friends, so a lonley childhood it was. When I was 25, I traveled with my family to a human town. Some humans hired my family for escording some food supplies. At the third night, I woke up because I heard some noice, when I got up a human came in my tent with a knife. This bandit was not expecting a Elf girl who was awake, he tried to overpower me, but I was to quick and ran away. When I got out of my tent, I saw my aunt first, her shirt was torn apart and an arrow in her chest. My father and mother both were dead and on the side of our camp, I never found my grandfather, perhaps he escaped, perhaps it was a faith far worse. The humans were feasting with the killers, I was so angry and wanted to fight them so badly, but I knew I had no change against 15 grown up man. I ran and went to Talon's Port, I came in and I rarely come out of this place. I usually spent my days in a library or looking for a job I can do, perhaps I'll move to a different place, perhaps I don't. I do want to travel more, I'm 54 and this life isn't my style. When I'm dead I'll join the wild hunt, and I'll see my father and grandfather again.
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