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  1. Miathecat23


    Her parents were also scholars and always took her with them to find new animals and to research them until she was 13, when she was 13 she was allowed to do research herself, but not long people came to her and forbade her and her parents to research (She doesn't know what kind of people it was just that people came and that it was forbidden). without a job they could not earn any more money and decided to go away from there on their way their parents starved to death because they did not want their child to die they always gave the child only the rest of the food and they soon ran out of food and met one elf who rushed to her aid and let her stay at his home for a certain time, however, this elf had made enemies with dwarfs, criminals and these dwarfs then also murdered this eleven (she was 16 at that time) the dwarfs took her with them tortured her because the eleven had stolen something from the dwarfs she was not allowed to know anything and was tortured for days when they realized that they would not get anything out of her they wanted to sell her as slaves but with luck she managed to escape and since then she lived in the woods and goes back to research.
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