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  1. CelvestianNesy


    Nesy resided in the countryside of The Free State of Sutica, which has a liberal culture that branched into a private culture of his own with some public tendencies of showing it to other people at times. This is how he believed in equality, due to the nation's and his parents liberal values. Sutica's culture was quite liberal, basically people aren't attacked because of their religion which did not impact the complexity of his condition. Despite being intelligent he has developed drawbacks. The philosophies he has developed is: Moral Relativism and Social Democracy at the age of 16 where he continued to discuss politics with his parents, Inglev Celvius and Nehrick Celvius. Unfortunently, at the time he was 18. His parents, unfortunently died out of mysterious causes and they were never seen again and he couldn't remember why they died. So, Nesy's staggering journey went into a turning point, now he had to take care of himself. So, he became homeless and his parents never gave him directions which may be up for a very interesting stories, Nesy had never heard of any countries other then Sutica, not even the other kingdoms. Nesy throughout his life had a quite stable growth since birth and his parents took care of him, almost spoiling him at times as well. He had studied politics and different pholosophies through reading books about political theory and has been inspired to get many ideas. Through his growth, his complex and oddly unmapped personality began to take notice at the age of 12, where Nesy started to ponder about his life choices, to start pondering about the philosophy of others and trying to compare himself to the general public. Nesy doesn't seem to know what personality he has but instead rambles into the thoughts of his own, where his waknesses began to appear which was the consistant rambly attitude he had and that he could be stupid at times, he started to love explaining things in depth due to the weird development. He feared the world around him never understood him, but when spoken too... He is a induvidual who is loving, sweet. Nesy continues to get unexplainable feelings, of something strange due to his personality, sometimes he may experience swings. He wanted to continue exploring his personality further through his lifespan, even if he was left in dismay to not find his answers. His parents used to believe in the "Church of the Canon." religion but after a set of time they became less ignorant and more secular, but Nesy didn't really have a belief either but is mostly agnotistic and doesn't know that there is a god or not, but he leans more towards an Secular stance on religion, but not to force other people to abide by religion or secularity. Now, at the current time Nesy had to think about what he'd become. A miner? Surely, he loved mining because his parents used to do it, perhaps this may give a clue to why they died? (Hint hint, :)
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