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Posts posted by Mme_dePotins

  1. The infamous Madame de Potins (who, by the way, was the originator of all these gossip papers.) Giggled from her apartment in Providence. She let out a smirk as she read the paper, exhaling smoke from her cigarette. "My, my." She murmured. "It seems I was right when I made up that lie about Anna wh0ring herself out." She chuckled. "Call me a psychic!" She roared with laughter.

  2. The evening was riddled with storms, and, from her lair, the infamous Madame de Potins cackled. "Now..." She began sipping a glass of wine, "Why's Haense got to stick their unwashed phallus in everything?" She questioned, to none but herself. "Seems to me that poor Kingdom hasn't had any drama- yet, all they're doing is causing drama.. Creating an elaborate story, really." She took another sip of her Falstaff wine, cackling once more.


    "These damned Haensers are obsessed with imperial politics." She finished.

  3. MFGMOJXeyyK4AHQ7LQ-4KOKpq8J46Kq2E0xZ1LICa2cxLD_SZUS7Cvk0HQ4UZx8dCdXM02C7xqTRzKa7i6FZeIWs5Vkx3XhC2VHzDYkPM6Q_a7_NyYPJukoVV1qcIbhrR3gwcjn8


    I S S U E  T W O


    Hello, my dear reader.

    The year of 1809 has been quite very boring. However, I have exciting news for you all.



    High Pontiff Owyn III- also known by his legal name, Laurence August Jrent, died this saints year. We do not know how the pillow-biter died, but we do know that he had multiple mistresses, and perhaps a mister here and there… One mistress was gossiped to be an Orcess. Perhaps he likes to be dominated in the bedroom!


    He escalated tensions between Haense and the Empire, had multiple whorehouses throughout the countryside, and had multiple bastards, many of whom are well known. Dear reader, I ask you- do not light a candle in his honor, but instead, celebrate. Celebrate that the evil has died.




    Vespira Angelica d’Emyth, also known as Vespira var Ruthern, the former Majordomo of the Augustine Palace has proved herself to be inept of planning any significant event. The palace has been a ghost town ever since the last debutante, and many of these poor debutante’s events were one to forget. She has done nothing to help our Empire thrive- and one wonders- is this due to her new allegiance to Haense? Additionally, her Husband, Alric Ruthern is a known womanizer- and has had many bastards. It seems he cannot keep it in his pants- perhaps it's also because he does not enjoy Vespira’s presence, as many have noted that she is not that enchanting. I must wonder, would Miss Ruthern cheat on her husband?




    The Duchess Helena, ever the keen host, finally provided the peers of the empire with a reprieve from the never ending dull events hosted in the Palace. The Lovers Masquerade, which invited Francesca the Fortunate, a renowned soothsayer among several circles, was a most prosperous ball; with over one-hundred guests in attendance. Additionally, the Duke and Duchess Helena were seen after the ball deep in conversation; sometimes a rare occurrence for the future monarchical pair. It is reported to me by the eyes and ears of the palace that a bout of melancholia has taken over the Duchess, which they believe has been long-coming from years of internal pressures and stresses. Sordid, truly! Hardly eating and rarely sleeping, no wonder concerns amongst the Duchess’s inner circle are amounting. Perhaps it’s because the Duchess’ husband has long shunned his darling wife and done little to ease her ever-amounting anxieties, or due to the fact her womb has yet to quicken with child- though whether such a misstep is a fault of her’s or her husband’s remains to be determined.



    FISSTECH AND FILIGREE, or lack thereof.

    Aimee de Frand, the disorderly hostess of the Ivy House, was allegedly seen drowning herself in some ‘unknown’ substances with palace officials and high society. The proprietress, noted for her flamboyant disposition and *****-like ways, has been seen slithering through the streets of Providence and attempting to recruit the noble youth to drug-den. It’s no wonder the highest-ranking nobles no longer attend her squalid parties! Between you and I, and pray you believe me, my dear, they’re nothing special. I would write more on Miss de Frand’s unremarkable talents which solely include narcotizing herself and spreading her legs for the misfortunate, but even a gossip such as I know better than to give one as undeserving as her more than a sliver of ink.




    And finally, we move onto our last piece of gossip. Ferdinand of Marna was looking at children, rather creepily. The most prominent being Elisabeth Louise Novellen, an imperial princess of Aldersberg, and her dancing Partner, Otto Baruch, son of a Haenseni Duke. After a contested match of arguing, Elisabeth and Otto had to end their dance short. 



    Madame de Potins.

  4. MFGMOJXeyyK4AHQ7LQ-4KOKpq8J46Kq2E0xZ1LICa2cxLD_SZUS7Cvk0HQ4UZx8dCdXM02C7xqTRzKa7i6FZeIWs5Vkx3XhC2VHzDYkPM6Q_a7_NyYPJukoVV1qcIbhrR3gwcjn8

    I S S U E  O N E



    This author would like to introduce you to the Madame de Potins Magazine for High Society; a gossip column is written by me, Madame de Potins. Rest assured, reader, you shall not know me, but I shall know you. 


    The Duke and Duchess Helena are one of the most beloved people in all of Oren, the next emperor and empress have not sired any kids, not a daughter nor a son. This leaves the author wondering- perhaps the Duke and Duchess are not up-to-date on how to produce an heir… Or, is it that our dearest Duke Helena participates in homosexual activities? Visiting molly houses, on the outskirts of Providence… He does seem quite enamored with his ISA men!


    Just down the road from the imperial palace is the cathedral where a protest happened in support of removing the pontiff. It’s rumored among high society, and lower class alike that he’s had multiple affairs and mistresses, siring many children that he’s denied the existence of. Not only that- but his supporters seem to be mentally unfit! One such protester, Richard Helvets, Count of Rochefort, attacked his own daughter in Haense, with many more attempting to shoot the protesting crowd. 


    Anna Henrietta, a daughter of the better line of Pruvia’s, married beneath her- perhaps in an attempt to hide a dirty secret that she’s pregnant- out of wedlock! The father we do not know, but this author has noted that she’s growing bigger day by day, especially when Baron Carrington and her’s wedding had not commenced yet!


    Sofya Carrion-Tuvyic had a depressing debutante- it seemed more people wanted to dance with her attendees rather than her! Was it for her looks, for God knows she is quite plain, or perhaps her shyness, for she only approached one boy during the debutante, and instead ended up dancing with a man more than ten years her senior. 



    Madame de Potins.

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