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Everything posted by Sakishiro_

  1. Sakishiro_


    She was born at a very young age, being the bastard child of a commoner and a merchant. Shunned by her father, and her mother abandoning her to persue more men. She was put under the caretaker of a guardian who referred to himself as ''Angel''. This guardian was hired by her father, being the merhcant of the transaction that resulted in her unfortunate existance. She never got the chance to meet the man who brought her into this world, merely knowing him as someone she was forbidden to talk about. For her entire life up to the age of eighteen, she was restricted to never leave a single farmstead. Her guardian was a strange man, constantly skulking around the farmstead, where she'd occasionally catch him in her room, merely ''tidying up''. Despite growing up on a farm, she was treated by her guardian as if she were from a real merchant family. Growing up with a sense for high-class fashion and an insaitiable lust for wealth, she would always seem to receive outifts, which she believed came from her ''father''. The farmstead lying on the outskirts of Haesne, Saki never managed to make a single friend throughout her childhood. One night during a dry summer's eve, Saki ventured outside to explore the cornfields of her farmstead. When she returned home she found the building lit ablaze, and not knowing where her guardian was, or if he was alive, Saki merely ran out into the corn running far away. She feared the flames believing it to be some kind of monster that had come to strike her down, and had already claimed the life of her guardian. She fled to try and find fortune and ended up in Oren.
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