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Astel Le Trinit

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Everything posted by Astel Le Trinit

  1. Astel Le Trinit


    A small High elf called Astel abandoned in a lonely forest was luckily picked up by her 'Master' as she would call her at a later date. This Woman was known as Esgardes Le Trinity. Esgardes raised Astel through out early child hood until she could properly held a bow. At this point of time Astel was 30 and started to learn how to use a bow and trained everyday with Esgardes. Astel considered Esgardes as her Mother, Master and friend as she was the only person she ever knew. Over the years of being trained by Her master she picked up Esgardes attitude and personality and this is how Astel started to become a psychopath. This worsened over the years after getting taught things that she should of not known. She showed no remorse for killing anything now and felt nothing inside. When Astel turned 86 she was out practicing alone deep in the forest after returning home after a long time out she found that the shack was broken into and found Esgardes on the floor with a knife in her chest and a Man standing over her with blood on his hands.... Astel when into a rage frenzy. she grabbed her bow and pieced the man over and over again until he was dead. After seeing her master dying on the floor in front of her eyes and no way she could stop Esgardes from dying she began to start feeling anger and disgust to men of all races and nature. Astel jumped to the conclusion that this man was the enemy and not trying to help Esgardes and Astel was blinded by rage. till present day no one knows the real truth that happened that day and if really this man did kill her master or was it just Astel all along due to her Psychopathic personality. Astel moved away from this forest and got a place in a local town and signed up for the hunters guild to start earning money. Day to day, month to month Astel hunted and began to quite proficient with her bow skills and began to hunter bigger enemies (Pray) Astel was quite a lonely girl as she pushed most people away with her attitude being quite rude as she has no real social skills or any real education. Finally when Astel turned 200 she had quite a bit of cash saved to move to other realms and explore and hunt epic pray she heard of through out the land and decided to please her dead master by getting pray that even her master could not get and set of on this journey alone.
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