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  1. wwoody66


    Woody is a 22-year-old traveller from the Holy Orenian Empire who wants to be able to enjoy the finer things in life and is in a pursuit for knowledge of the arcane. He is kind and entertaining, but can also be very vengeful and a bit greedy. Growing up in a poor village he wasn't able to finish school as his parents needed help on their farmland, as such he is embarrassed when it comes to his understanding of basic schooling, however he makes up for his by overcompensating, using long words which he really doesn't quite understand to appear more smart. After the death of his father from ill health, and making sure his mother was able to continue her tailoring business he decided to set out in the pursuit for learning arcane secrets. So far his scholarship journey has been less than successful, but having made it to the Cloud temple he hopes to be able to visit the great library to study arcane theory, meet a fellow scholar or study under a master. Raised in a poor village he also hopes to be able to make his fortune so that he is able to provide his mother with enough coin to be able to live comfortably. To this end he is desperate to discover the secrets of alchemy and alteration and use it to transmute gold. Woody first became curious about the arcane after a travelling troupe had visited his village during a festival harvest and there he witnessed his first use of magic, mesmerising colours and flashes and the creation of new materials from seemingly common objects. (However what Woody did not realise was that this was simply a common showman skilled in slight of hand and alchemy.) Woody is desperate now to make his mark on the world, discover the secrets of alteration, find and learn about mythical creatures and visit the known masters of magic within human settlements to learn more. Although a follower of the arcane, religion formed a strong foundation of Woody's early youth and he is a follower of Canonism. Woody speaks with a southern accent and twang and has a deep love for cooking and companionship, woody treasures eating homecooked food around a fire with good friends. Although not a natural fighter or swordsman Woody is fiercely brave and will try to defend both his lands and his friends if it comes to it.
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