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Everything posted by RubyFIre

  1. RubyFIre


    Inara, is the second child of three children (her parents were luckily). She was born to a middle class family. Her Family Moonfall 's consisted of her father Arac, her mother Lyccin, her older brother Iartoc and finally her younger sister Arven. She was given a basic education and while in school became friends a girl named Arlil. She live pretty a peaceful until she turned 35. At such time a conflict and scheme arose from her jealous younger sister. Once she was falsely convicted of a small crime that ruin her reputation, cause her to leave and become a for hire assassin. At that time it didn't matter who she killed, innocent or not it was a way to fill the void in her heart. After 20 years of killing people for coins, she returned for a mission to her home town in which she discover the betrayal of her family and once close friend. Enrage she killed her mother injured her father and brother and left a scar a crossed her sister face. For the next year a self loathing was form for her self. Is was about to sub-come to her depression when she met a wise old man who taught her the self healing joy of helping others. He soon died but left Inara with a new purpose other then killing others. She now lives in a small hut on the outskirts of the a small village in The Kingdom of Norland. Being a woodlen elf her favorite myth is the well of seeds and the snow elves. She is a well respected person in the small town she now lives in but few to none have seen her face due to her constantly have a black cloak to hid her identity (some habit's never died).
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