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Shodim Shamilah

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Everything posted by Shodim Shamilah

  1. Shodim Shamilah


    Shodim Shamilah was born in his family's state, Shamilcasbah, during an unprecedented thunderstorm. It is said that, upon opening his dark sky blue eyes, the rain and the lightning bolts ceased, and no one ever felt the sultriness of the sun like in that day. Over the years, Shodim realised his calling was to know the name of all things, for knowing the name of something is to have power over it. Knowledge revealed to be his friend, as it always helped him through whatever life threw at him. One day, wanderlust took him by storm. In a few weeks, he had already prepared himself and all his belongings for his aimless journey. In the third day, he was mugged and left for dead, not 40 miles away from his home. He had to choose, returning home and living in shame for his failure or, perhaps... continue forward, even if it would cost his life. He did the latter, and has continued to never lose hope until this day.
  2. Shodim Shamilah


    my first language isn't english, but feel free to translate or ask me about the following text, written in portuguese: Um enquirídio em compêndio do que concerne aos possíveis futuros do eladrin que é amado de forma diretamente proporcional ao quão insuportável ele é. Bladesingers PRECISAM do auxílio de objetos mágicos para terem um desempenho equilibrado. Não existe melhor exemplo disso do que a espada solar, item associado intrinsecamente ao uso da subclasse, até mesmo em seu lore. Esse artefato é algo que o Shodim deveria fazer, ele mesmo, pique jedi e lightsabers: para tal, ao longo das aventuras eu venho fazendo anotações e estudos, além de projetos (caleidoscópio solar p/ ser a hilt da espada), e além de suas qualidades normais, PELO AMOS DE CORELLON, que tenha a capacidade de voltar pra posse de seu dono magicamente (seja at will, todo nascer do sol, x vezes por dia ou o que for, mas que tenha isso
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