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Everything posted by Cilantro_Syrup

  1. Cilantro_Syrup


    Chester was born an only child in the nation of Norland. His mother, died shortly after giving birth. Chester's only mementos he owns of his mother are a wooden chess piece. A queen carved from drift wood by his father, her name inscribed underneath, "Regina". Just as important, Chester was left with his mother's prized cook book. As a young boy, Chester immediately asked his father to teach him the game of chess "almost before he could walk". After the war of the Inferi and the destruction of Arcas, the youth and his father found solace on the coast of Freeport. His father was always a respected shipwright, and upon their arrival in Almaris, his father continued this work. Chester's father built boats for the local fishermen and naturally, Chester became his Father's apprentice in this. To motivate Chester, his father would agree to one match of chess for every boat the pair completed. Over the years, Chester became just as talented a shipwright as his father. Equally impressive, Chester learned everything his father knew about chess, though he never did win a game. Chester learned of his father's previous profession as he continued to grow. Chester's father, was once a chess grand master. Having beat every player in the region, to Chester, his father was the best chess player in the world. Chester looks up to his father and often listens to stories of his mother. Through chess, Chester finds comfort from both his mother and father.
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