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Everything posted by KaylaKat1996

  1. KaylaKat1996


    *link to lore didnt work so i hope this is ok* As a family they didn't follow any religion and never stayed in one place long enough to call home, though they did often return Reedsborough and stay for an extended period of time. When she was born her parents struggled to make ends meet. They lived in a camp like set up and moved around frequently in the hopes of making enough money to survive. By the time Kayla was 10 their live was terrible and she was often forced to work for food and it was often just stale bread. this lead to her being unusually skinny and short for her race. a few weeks before her 11th birthday she woke up to find herself alone. she continued with her daily chores until she turned 11 and she realised her parents had abandoned her. she decided to throw herself into her "work" and made enough money for a bow and arrows. she would hunt for her food and sell what she didnt need. she still worked on the odd farm here and their and had a small amount of savings. she never stays in a place long enough to make true friends but she does have one or two that she goes back to every now and again. her hopes for the future are to settle down and build a life, not having to live on the road just to survive. She fears being abandoned again but is desperate to make friends. her dream home is very typical for a halfling. a nice cozy burrow and some land to farm. The day of her 18th birthday she enjoyed a nice birthday cupcake before packing up her camp and setting off on a journey to Dunshire to set down roots and make a new life for herself.
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