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Everything posted by Gracieful

  1. Gracieful


    She was born and raised in Urguan. Her parents fled the city when she was just a young child as they had taken part in the war of the beards. Gero went to try and find them because she didn't understand why they had left, but after leaving the city was attacked by bandits. This has made her fearful of leaving the city. She was then adopted by the Stormhearts who raised her. (I have already asked Pesmar can I be part of the clan) She spent most of her time reading through the different dwarvn texts and learning about our history. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Races#Dwarf https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Modern_History_of_Aegis#Urguan
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