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Everything posted by Ionizedsphere

  1. Ionizedsphere


    Being born to a widow mother whose husband died during a land dispute with another village man. although growing up being raised by an only mother. he lived and thrived fairly well. his family weren't poor nor rich. they were seclusive farmers and lived mostly on their own crops and sold the rest they didn't need. at a young age he had to get into the role of man of the house. although not a big one, with his mother taking most of the responsible tasks. though his role mostly entailed that of trading what leftover goods, the farm produced. and some official matters (advised heavily from his mother). Being secluded his interaction with other children was limited, and thus he mostly played by himself when he weren't helping the farmhands. Although his family was not strict nor very interactive in faith. Biarn and his mother leaned towards the old faith. although hiding it, and fronting as canonist. fearing that their pegan views would be looked down upon along side their heritage. this fear and worry became a large part of their life although Biarn cared little, his mother was almost hysterical trying her hardest to adapt and fit into the village life and culture. his teenage years were spend helping around the farm, and in his spare time he trained his skills with a bow, though never getting the hang of it. His most memorable moments was him entering into adulthood, a few months after his seventeenth winter. the celebration was held on his family farm, with only the closest family and friends. not wanting to widely show their Adunian Heritage. everything went well, and the celebrations went into the early night. plagued with a hangover he was thrilled entering into his new responsebilities. first however tradition demanded he took out on a journey. being of a lower class, Biarn only explored and saw his home region, only twice crossing the threshold into new territory due to curiosity. during his travel he finally learned the basic of bow handling, and could now successfully hunt small to medium game. stil no master he was pleased with how far he has gotten. his adult life was very bland and lacking in excitement. he quickly bore with the task on the farm. but felt a responsebility to his mother, who couldn't take care of the farm herself, even with help of the few farmhand there were. his mother died later of an illness not known to the village's herbalist and healer. during the unsuccessful treatment Biarn watched and took notes on what the healer was doing, finding it much more interesting then either farm work or bow hunting. although tough having little to no litterate training, other than what his mother had taught him. he now stood mostly alone in the world. having enough of the farm life, he sold his inherited land to the closest neighbor and used the money to buy some supplies. he grabbed his shoddy bow and quiver and decided to see what other parts of the world has to offer. he was hopeful he could learn more of herbs and medicin on his travels, and possibly about the magic told to him in tales and legends. never having seen it in person.
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