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Everything posted by I_am_peachy

  1. I_am_peachy


    She was in an arranged marriage with a noble man in Varhelm. when she was younger her mother talked about Witches who where cold as ice and ate men. she never believed her though. one day the abuse from her husband became too much to bare and killed him in his sleep. she went out into the Norland wilderness to hide from the world and in search for a Fjarriauga. Hoping that one would curse her and use those powers to end all intelligent life, seeing it as sick and needing to start over.
  2. I_am_peachy


    when she was young she lived in The city of Sutica. the combat group she was born in would try to learn how to use being flexible to an advantage to fight an opponent. Kas though, being as clumsy as she is, never truly got a full grasp of it. during training one day she was pulled aside by some other kids who liked to tease her for never being able to get ahold of the classes. one of them went to far though, and almost killed Kas, if it wasn't for her falling onto a pile of hay, saved her from some barrels that fell off of the top of the building. she was accused of pushing the barrels off the roof and then jumping in the hay. after around 5 years in prison, they found out it was just an accident but it was already too late. she had acquired monophobia, the fear of being alone. her parents at this point disowned her as their kid and she had to go out on her own to try and find a place to call home. trying to cope with the loneness she tries to act silly and fun! though with this some people think she's insane. nowadays she lives almost alone going from town to town, visiting the Mother tree in her free time because it reminds her of home.
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