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  • Character Name
    Branda Blueburrows
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  1. bxther


    Born in Brandybrook. Branda was primarily raised by her Grandmother due to her parents unhalfling like sense of adventure who claimed to have old elvish blood but her Grandmother nor herself were ever convinced by this. Branda is much more happy to lead a peaceful life of farming, brewing, cooking, eating, drink and celebrating life. A few years ago, while her parents were away, her Grandmother's farm on the very outskirts of their village was pillaged by orcs in the night. The two of them survived unscathed by hiding in one of the disused cattle sheds. Brenda & her Grandmother & her parents (when they returned) moved farther into the village. This lead Branda to secretly begin practicing using a bow and arrow on the off chance a similar event could occur in the future however she has never used it on another person & won't unless in danger. Her parents recently travelled to the peaceful Free State of Sutica & she hopes to pluck up enough courage one day to join them there one day. Moving closer to the centre of the village meant Brenda lost regular contact with her friends from that area but they still send a letters ever month or so. Branda has been well educated learning alot from her Grandmother. Her favourite job she had working in the middle of the village was a waitress/bartender at one of the inns (which may or may not have resulted in one or two trysts) as she could watch all the merriment. She also worked a few years as a gardener working mostly for elderly hobbits.
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