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Everything posted by timesbull

  1. timesbull


    Leafs mom is a wood elf that had Leaf young, and his dad was an orc that had stood with orc ideals, but had also always had a huge curiosity for the way other races lived, often being chastised for it. His dad deserted his clan, ending up in The Forest Realm of Irrinor, where he met a not-fully-matured, Leafs Mother. She lost Leafs Father before Leaf was born. As a matured adult she resents the decision she made to be with an orc, especially since she lost him, and therefore resents Leaf. She was never really a good mother, but she wasn't necessarily a bad mother either, she just sort of raised Leaf. This lead him to having no feelings towards his mother, negative or positive, he just views her as the person who gave birth to him. Leaf is half orc, half wood elf, but was never raised or socialized around orcs, he barely even has any orc features, the most prominent feature he has is small tusks, that just barely stick out of his mouth. Everyone else has always been able to tell something was different about him, causing others to "outcast" him while he was younger. Him and his mom are the only ones that are fully aware of his being half-orc, and were (and are) consistently trying to hide his orc attributes. Since he has small tusks, it's easier for him to speak in common tongue, but since he has to hide his half-orc, he has to force himself to not speak with even slight Blah. It's super physically draining for him, and because of it he speaks with a slight accent.
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