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Everything posted by Traceyius

  1. Traceyius


    Spec was born into a family that loved to have all of the greatest farms to produce items for the family and serving the Holy Orenian Empire as someone who prepares all the required items for war and the kingdom. They weren't the only people who were doing this so they weren't exactly the richest people but they had the money for design. It was scary how they lived near a mountain, the ice mountain that blocks off Arcas from the world. They lived in Arcas as no one would be able to steal from them or grief them and it was necessary for them to server the Holy Orenian Empire. At first, they where high folks but then they got introduced to the kingdom. They also owned a shop for them to supply money on top of the income of money from the Holy Orenian Empire. Spec didn't have friends but he was determined to find a friend. Normal people who never had friends usually have communication problems but since he was homeschooled by his parents through there knowledge through the family tree, he wanted to meet new people so he would usually be friendly to other people when he meets some people that he comes across by when walking. He developed a bossy attitude as he was helping with the farms and fixing them so he developed good communication skill. In the family, they hate griefers and thieves so they make a timetable who is on the lookout. He would help out in the farms and build the business for money to live for a good 9 years when he first started to help out with his family at the age of 8 (he was 17 years old after the 9 years from 8 years old). In every cold place, especially Arcas, winter can be a harsh place to live and you cannot be safe forever so, at night, an avalanche came swooping in and crushing everyone. They had a way to prevent the avalanches to hit them by using a special machine that should stabilise the avalanche though the night was rough and the machine seems to be frozen; The reason why it was so good was that they nearly never have avalanches and if so and does bypass the machine, they would be lucky as they might be working. They were sleeping and was helpless; though Spec was away from his home because he was returning home from the markets, which was all sold out, which meant he had to go away from home and was devastated when he came home. It was the only time that he decided to stay there longer than usual so basically, work on a late shift which he is never going to do. His biggest fear has arrived as it was his night shift to be on the lookout and his family could have been saved if he just didn't come home late. Although he was depressed, he was glad that he was coming home late but he could not forget the day when this family was crushed under the ice. Spec had nothing. He had to go from scratch. He knew that he can not live in Arcas since it's so cold or far away place so he wanted to be by people or go to the Holy Orenian Empire. He was excited yet to depress to show his expression but he went to the Holy Orenian Empire anyways. He found a small place to be for a temporally amount of time and build on money and resources. When the time came, he went to a place far away but not too far away to access the city for trading reasons and then made one goal; one goal was to make a local business shop to sell items and help the people who need it in Arcas as this reminds him of Arcas as no one came to help them in Arcas and also server the Holy Orenian Empire in resources for them to win lots of wars. He went out and that is where this tale begins...
  2. Traceyius


    A mysterious man who no one knows where he came from... He is alone and prefers to stay away from high authorities yet loves to have people to be under his control or be forced into his prison as his collection and amusment, but the noise, LOUD noises is what he feared the most. As most of the land is been taken by high authorities, he stays in the cold areas where people prefer not to be. His heart is cold and evil, he is a man who might be considered a psychopath, but his heart is not fully covered by the dark...
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