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Everything posted by Thundergod28

  1. Thundergod28


    When Trix was born He lived a poor life even so because his mom and dad where running out of crops after they desideds to live as a farmer, Jung Trix did not know much after some weeks he learn how to talk and read and write he desided to become a knight on day after a few days at the age of 15 some thieves burnt down the village Trix parents told Trix to run away because they where stuck while the house was getting burnt all Trix remembers from the village was the screems of the villagers nearby burning alive that did not stop him from accomplishing his dream he desided to go and find the thief's that burn the village and after 1 year of starvation and thirst surviving by a miricale he found a kingdom that gave him shelter and food once he desided to train as a guard and become a adventurer after that 2 years had pass he was 18 and came by a mission to find a stolen treasure close to a ruin village at that moment he did not though of his village after he went to do the mission he found the village he lived at before he started having flashbacks of That day he forgot about his goal for quite sometime and saw found the treasure was near his old house he was questioning himself what did he just do all this years after that he left the kingdom and abandon the mission and went on a jurney to find the thief's after 3 years he found out the thief's where capture long time ago after that he started a new life
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