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Everything posted by AncientBombYT

  1. AncientBombYT


    I was raised in a normal middle class character and had a mostly boring life. I grew up in Norland. I did something when I turned 17 which turned my hair neon green. I tried to make some dye to change my clothes color. It ended up with a good result intel I tripped and land head first into the dye. It ended up having a more potent effect then I thought it would. The rest of my life was normal with basic training with swords. I had caring parents that wanted me to grow up and be kind while also being strong. I was always helping people around town with tasks. I once helped a friend with finding a treasure. We adventured the areas around the city looking for a treasure. We did find a treasure but it was only a few gold coins so I let him have them. My father servered in the Sutican War as a normal soldier. I am not a full believer in the Red Faith but it is what my parents grew up on.
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