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Everything posted by DragoSteinx

  1. DragoSteinx


    His childhood is a blur for him. All he remembers is the day his parents abandoned him in the woods and how scared he was. He fended for himself for a long time. He wandered throughout the forest until he found a cabin with an old elf in it. As time passed he learned more about his new caretaker and how this old elf had come from Atlas, more specifically the Elven Dominion's edge where he was sent to scout out the orcs. The old elf regaled him with stories of battle that he had heard of from his brief time in the refugee camp that became known as New Malinor. The old elf raised him until he was 23 which was when the old elf died. He got into many fights which he basically started himself. And went out of his way to help whomever he could however doing that also lead him to a number of near-death experiences. He wants to help as many people as he can so that nobody has to feel the terror he felt when he was alone. He enjoys fighting and tries to take any fights he can and even sometimes creates them. He traveled constantly looking for strong people to test his skills against. So far none have beaten him but many have come very close.
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