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Everything posted by UnculturedSwine

  1. Sadly, her birth isn't a happy story. She was born in Haelun'or, and her mother had Guin at a younger age than preferred (under 50), which would be considered taboo by the other High Elves, meaning her mother had to keep her a secret from the rest of high elves so she was one giant secret that could never be told. To her people she was an impure High Elf meaning everyone would hold her in low regard, so what kind of life would she be living anyways? Now, as for her father he was never in the picture nor did he know about her either. Whenever people would come over to visit her mother she'd hide in a wooden closet whenever someone came close to discovering her. However, one day, 3 months after her 11th birthday, a group of raiders burst into their house demanding money and trinkets. Luckily, her mother had managed to shove her into the room containing the wooden closet. But, she made the fatal mistake of tripping over a wooden bucket just in front of the wooden closet. It made a loud sound, startling the people in the room next door. They had found her and now there was no hiding. Her mother ran in the room screaming for her to run, which she did and she carried on running for as long as she could. To this day Guin still doesn't know what happened to her mother but she never found her so all she can do is assume she's dead. She doesn't know how her mother was killed if she had been and all she could do was hope it was peaceful and quick. The only reason Guin managed to escape was because of her mother and her noble sacrifice and from that day on she vowed to try and not get hurt the way she did when those raiders took her mother away from her. Since that day Guin's managed to survive on her own, hopping from group to group, and place to place. She never bothered to make proper friends and learned to just use the people she meets to her advantage so she never has to deal with the pain or fear ever again. Except, despite her best efforts to hide her trust and care for him, she's managed to find a permanent friend, an orc who has stuck by her side through thick and thin, called Noctis Ferum.
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