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Everything posted by Lyphgerd

  1. Lyphgerd


    Akamu Ali'i is a wood elf. He was born in a farming family that had a little farm and would breed horses for people in the nearest town. When he was little, around the age of ten he got lost in the woods trying to find a stray foal that went to far. He found campfire of four human men who immediately proceeded to kidnap him and bring into a small trafficking ring. He was then sold onto a merchant ship where he became the cabin boy for first hand, a man named Edwin, and the Captain only known as Loche. The ship was a small Corvette style ship that sold mainly food and smaller resources such as iron and coal. It would also help the banks move minas from port city to port city, but it mainly shipped goods that were from the Holy Orenian Empire As Loche's loyalty lied with them, even Loche helping in the Sutican war shipping weapons and arms to help aid the fight. Working as the Cabin boy he would clean the rooms, bring texts and maps to the navigators, trim sails and even learned small business practices of the trade. He learned to read and write from Edwin and learn to fight and wrestle with fellow crew members. He did well to the best of his ability, but always felt alone. Never around his own kind and only being able to see other people when they stopped at ports and other cities, even then not going far and always being under Loche's eye since he was under contract from the men that sold him years ago. He worked on the ship till he was around 18 fully assimilating into the human culture and ways of seafaring. When he turned 19 Edwin died of natural causes in his room. Akamu was voted into be the next Firsthand by the crew since he knew Edwin and Loche the most. After becoming firsthand he remembered of a city in Arcas called Siramenor and figured that is where he should go to get back in touched with his elven roots. Learning the specific trade routes and making money off of it, Akamu bought his freedom and left the ship at the age of 25. He know has moved back ending up at the cloud temple, not knowing what to truly do. He is ashamed of his past and not knowing his own way of life. He is quick to snap when bring it up. He's had some highs and lows in life but his lows far outweigh his highs. Never fully feeling like he fit in with the humans that's all he's ever really known. He is hoping now that he can finally make a life for himself. On his own terms. As long as his past doesn't come back to haunt him.
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