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Everything posted by 704Nas

  1. 704Nas


    Nas grew up with a very sickly mother in a small hut in the outskirts of the War Nation of Krugmar. Not having both parents in his life, and having one very sickly mother led to him developing a strong skillset in cooking as well as cleaning and craftsmanship. This also meant that he'd have to be the one to provide protection for both him and his mother's well-being. Once he became 16, he was old enough to participate in the underground sport of cage-fighting to provide extra income for him and his mother. This led to an inherent increase in strength and hand to hand combat. Once he became 18, he had saved up enough money to buy his mother a proper 2 bedroom shelter in Norland that he often visits to check on her well-being. After leaving home to explore new lands in search of opportunities, Nas searched for further purpose, eventually settling on embracing certain values of the Religion of the Four. Nas also spent most of his free time studying the combat tactics of military figures such Titus de Sola and Augustus d'Amaury in an effort to further improve his own combat skills. Over the course of months, Nas quickly developed the moniker known as "The Butcher" after completing mercenary bounties and defeating a notorious Olog known to hold territory in the lower classed boroughs in Norland. He embraced his new nickname due to his love for combat and cooking. Nas invested his mercenary earnings into improving his armory and weaponry as the counter-bounties proved to attract a bad crowd towards him during his travels. He carries a heavy battleaxe in one hand with a longsword in the other, with a shield on his back in case he wants to alter his fighting style. Not that he feels he'll ever need to use the shield, considering bandits and bounty hunters can rarely ever land a hit on him... In Nas's most recent endeavors, he suffered a strike from a poisonous reptile that caught him off guard during his travels. Although he was strong, the poison proved to be too much on his immune system. He would have died, had he not met a settled traveler by the name of "Coco" who nursed him back to health. He's now said to be traveling in her debt, with her partner, "Prod" and "Crosshairs", in search of other nomadic warriors who are in need of family and a home.
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