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Everything posted by Grazzt

  1. Grazzt


    Being born into orc society Grazzt has always been the one being abused by his betters. Having most people in his life look down and abuse him for his weakness he's never had anyone to rely on. Having most of his fighting experience include being beaten to a pulp by orcs and even some stronger goblins, he developed a fear of melee combat and prefers to keep as much distance between him and his opponent no matter who it is. With this he took up using a bow and arrow to win fights, though training extensively (by his standards) he is only average at best with his weapon. Grazzt only has minimal combat experience going on a few hunting trips, and one small raid. During this raid he managed to get a single kill, though the person he killed had already fallen unconscious before he even found them. Though despite this he considered it a great triumph and always wanting to be praised for his great deed. Due to him coming back alive from these few excursions and quite a few of his fellow warriors did not, he openly praises Vulka as he believes he's a tactical genius and an expert of strategy, this has lead to him looking down on the others around them for their "inferior" way of fighting and recklessly putting themselves in danger in melee combat. He has now returned to Krugmar after Zhot'Rax had ascended to Rex in an attempt to show everyone his true "brilliance" to Krug himself.
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