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  1. Yuno_ti


    Eren was born in 1783 in Norland. Born into a very close family of five, it was difficult when his little sister died of a cold at 3 years old. they made most of their friends in the town, but eventually drifted from them as the brothers grew more adventurous. Eren always wore his family's name as a sort of badge of honor, and wanted to represent his family well. He would often play with the kids that lived nearby having snowball fights in the cold winters. Because of his encounter with the spider, he developed a desire to become stronger as to not let history repeat itself. As I grew older, I began working in the lumber industry. Eren was a curious boy and sought to know more about everything, even things some would consider to go against the Red Faith. Because he was mostly self taught, Eren could often be found skipping school. As a result of this, he had trouble developing social skills that would be gained through school. in his adventures, Eren wishes to pursue knowledge and power.
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