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Everything posted by ShatterardHeart

  1. ShatterardHeart


    Valrain Calmarian is a Dark Elf. She was born to Lira Ballhorn and Elrid Calmarian. When Valrain was young she witnessed a murder of her mother by an Orc. At that time she didn't know that her killer was an Orc and later found out by her father. Since then she was filled with revenge after knowing about her mother's killer. She held a grudge against every Orc in the land and found them all the same. She was born in a land called Arcas. While on her quest to revenge she befriended a young lady by the name of Alexandra Rigburg. They became best friends and almost like sisters and Alexandra understood Valrain. Alexandra later helped Valrain get closer to her revenge on the Orcs. After the few years she traveled to another town and seeked refuge somewhere else. When she tried to return back to Arcas she had seen that a giant ice wall has surrounded it's north and vast mountain range. Herself and a few others have traveled to Almaris for a new start and so she can continue to get her revenge.
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