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Everything posted by HotdogVanDriver

  1. HotdogVanDriver


    Gareth was born in Providence, to Drak and Penelope Nemgip, after all his father Drak was a knight. His earliest memory at age 4 was being stung by a bee in the royal gardens, where he discovered he was allergic. Ever since then, he has had a fear of bees. Gareth had a very good upbringing, due to their family's high social status, and had a very good education within the city. His father would tell him great tales of his adventures, as well as the stories of the Church of Canon. They would often spend Sunday afternoons in the family living room, reading stories about the religion. Although, once Gareth was 10 and old enough to start thinking more introspectively, he began to question his faith. After all, why would such a high power allow for all the raids and bloodshed to go on. However, at age 14, his father was ripped apart by a monstrous spider during a raid, and after 4 months of mourning, Gareth and his mother opted to live a more simple life in the outskirts of the city. Now 19, Gareth wishes to one day follow in his father's footsteps, and dedicate his life to the protection of the city. Whilst he is waiting to become a knight he trains hard in his garden, often seen practicing his swordsmanship skills on a tree stump and shooting arrows at hay bales.
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