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  1. IzzyBlueJay


    Narelle was born into a family of wood elves nearby The Druidic Order, but none of her family was a part of it. Despite that, she and her two brothers would go in and just explore wherever possible, playing hide and seek in the leaves and running around the beaches. Many people at the Order would accidentally trip over the small elves doing their own thing, so many would just give them jobs to do to keep them busy and not be a hazard. One of these times the kids were asked to rally up some escaped chickens and Narelle, having not remembered how to rally them in from the woman who gave them the job, opted to throw them into the pen and got scolded after hand. Another time, she and her two brothers had to collect a whole bunch of seashells, and she collected hermit crabs instead, also getting scolded. Many more of these events passed and by her teen years and onward she was very afraid of screwing up instructions or tasks. When she reached adulthood she decided to travel the surrounding lands, mostly a calling from the promise of being able to make your own goals instead of trying to interpret others. She also wishes to join The Druidic Order someday, so she has a reason and a drive to explore other than just self satisfaction, and because it's old history fascinated her. The one problem with travelling she noticed though, was that it was hard to fully wrap her head around how things worked in other places, leaving her often lost in cities, like when she got stuck in Sutica for an uncomfortable amount of time and accidentally ended up in a conversation about how it's federation was formed. She remembers nothing of it. However, the one thing that stayed with her in her life from childhood to adulthood was her scarf, which was knitted by her aunt to keep her calm when confused, as it always had a constant smell of lemons, her favourite scent.
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